Intro Dronata – IKAR – Fatalismus Spunk


# Intro Dronata

Eine Drone Komposition von Ennoson wird
die Ausstellung klanglich eröffnen.


# Live – IKAR Performance/Ennoson

Die IKAR Persona entstand aus der entdeckten Passion
des ‚Verrückten Hutmachers‘, tief liegenden Impressionen
aus der Vorschulzeit durch Besuche im Hamburger
Völkerkunde Museum und den darin befindlichen Figuren
diverser Zauberer-Gestalten und der Vermischung von
Archaischem und Science Fiction, wie man sie im Werk von Möbius vorfinden kann.
Elektro-Schamanismus ein mögliches beschreibendes Wort…


# Fatalismus Spunk – DJ Set

FATALISMUS SPUNK sind Jeschka Oszilat und Power.
Spunkige DJ-Kultur: Luderlieder, Post Punk, Experimentelles,
Balladen und Electronics — mal schnell, mal langsam. Immer fatal.


Temple Of Meru / Outro Dronata


# Live – Temple Of Meru

Devotional Ritual Drones without confession (additional TibetCore by Ennoson)


# Outro Dronata

Eine Drone Komposition von Ennoson beschliesst die Ausstellung mit kollektivem Erklingen lassen von Klangschalen und einer sich dazu entfaltenen Choreografie von Ayşe Cürünay, Klangl’Ich’T Ge’D’ich’t.

Joe Pupazzi / AC/BOY / Starship Skysaw / LDY OSC / ddKern

# Ennoson zelebriert 51 Jahre & drei Tage auf Erden sein…


# Joe Pupazzi

Spoken Word Performance


# Live – AC/BOY

AC/BOY aka Marcos Rondon has resided in Vienna since 2002. Performing under the artistic names Van Monte and acboy, Rondon predominately works as an electronic sound artist, producer and manager of Hekura Records. He has worked in various projects across theatre and contemporary dance platforms as a performer, artist in residence and sound designer.  His music is based on recordings from different underlying sound materials, re-samples made from fragmented beats and memories stored in imaginary landscapes. 


# Live – Starship Skysaw

After visiting 4 Spacerooms there is no place left for human beings in
outer space…



# Live – LDY OSC

Alyssa Auvinen Barrera, was born on the border of Mexico and grew up in Laredo, TX. She moved to NYC in 2010 and earned a BFA in Music and Sound Engineering. Since 2015, Alyssa has a band called Artefactos de Dolor with bandmates Todd Sines (.xtrak) and Charles Noel (Archetyp). The band has played alongside Cindytalk, Eric Random, Das Ding and have played in Moscow, Tokyo and toured a lot of the US. They have a pending double LP to be released in March 2019 on records. While she has long been a collaborator on experimental and synth wave projects, LDY OSC released “OAO” a single and the “Magic² of 8” EP on techno label The Bunker New York. Her music has the spirit of her voice and hits hard on the dance-floor, retaining the humanity of LDY OSC’s vocal explorations alongside the machine soul of her synthesizer manipulations. You can find Alyssa performing live or Dj’ing as LDY OSC, playing guitar, wind instruments, and singing in Artefactos, or repairing busted gear and giving it life again. LDY OSC has an EP coming up on Squirrels on Film in late Spring and an LP in the works for a late summer release.


# ddKern – DJ Set